Culture shapes 7-month-olds’ perceptual strategies in discriminating facial expressions of emotion

Elena Geangu, Hiroko Ichikawa, Junpeng Lao, So Kanazawa, Masami K. Yamaguchi, Roberto Caldara, Chiara Turati

研究成果: Letter査読

51 被引用数 (Scopus)


Emotional facial expressions are thought to have evolved because they play a crucial role in species’ survival. From infancy, humans develop dedicated neural circuits [1] to exhibit and recognize a variety of facial expressions [2]. But there is increasing evidence that culture specifies when and how certain emotions can be expressed — social norms — and that the mature perceptual mechanisms used to transmit and decode the visual information from emotional signals differ between Western and Eastern adults [3–5]. Specifically, the mouth is more informative for transmitting emotional signals in Westerners and the eye region for Easterners [4], generating culture-specific fixation biases towards these features [5]. During development, it is recognized that cultural differences can be observed at the level of emotional reactivity and regulation [6], and to the culturally dominant modes of attention [7]. Nonetheless, to our knowledge no study has explored whether culture shapes the processing of facial emotional signals early in development. The data we report here show that, by 7 months, infants from both cultures visually discriminate facial expressions of emotion by relying on culturally distinct fixation strategies, resembling those used by the adults from the environment in which they develop [5].

ジャーナルCurrent Biology
出版ステータスPublished - 25 7月 2016


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